Because of this, and the fact that typical tax enquiries can cost upwards of £5,000 to resolve, we offer our clients a specialist tax investigation service.
The service is designed to provide our clients with protection against the representation costs of an enquiry. We aim to defend you in order to deliver the optimum result.
HMRC have become much better at collecting information and analysing it, which is helping it to deliver more money each year. All of the information used to be stored in 11 separate data warehouses, making it difficult to cross-reference and study. However, HMRC have now built an Enterprise Data Hub (EDH) to accommodate all of the information in one place. The EDH can handle all types of data, including picture files, audio files, communications records and email.
As an additional benefit, we have also arranged for our subscribers to receive 24/7 access to a business legal helpline. The helpline covers employment law, health & safety and commercial matters, and is available 365 days a year.
Contact us now to find out more about our tax investigation service.